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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of Triangle Trails?Triangle Trails is an ad hoc, very loosely organized group of greenway and trail advocates. We are also a program of the East Coast Greenway Alliance. Our purpose is to promote the wonderful network of trails and greenways that area already in existence across our 15-county region. Additionally, we support our member counties in their efforts to grow their network of county and municipal greenways.
What is a Greenway?The majority of greenways are corridors of land that have been preserved and protected for environmental, recreational or transportation use. These corridors can include land that is along a stream, an abandoned railroad corridor and sometimes land that is alongside a roadway. The vast majority of greenways contain a trail tread. Some of those treads are natural surface, others are surfaced with gravel or stone dust, and many can be paved with asphalt or concrete – supporting all-weather, multi-use.
What is a Blueway?Blueways are water-based trails, that are typically associated with rivers and large lakes or reservoirs. Blueways will include places where users can “put-in” or “take-out” watercraft, such as canoes or kayaks. Blueways can be marked on land and sometimes in the body of water with special signage that indicates the route of travel.
How are individual trails included as part of the Triangle Trails?As part of the North Carolina Great Trails initiative, the North Carolina Department of Transportation worked with counties, municipalities and non-government organizations across the state to map greenways and trails of regional significance for all 100 counties. Triangle Trails used the results of that extensive outreach and engagement work as the basis for a map of our regional greenways. As individual counties update and/or develop their greenway and trail master plans, Triangle Trails will revise our regional greenway map using new information and data provided by the counties. Many of the routes shown on the Triangle Trails regional greenway map are for planned greenways that are not yet built. Some regional long distance greenways, such as the American Tobacco Trail or Neuse River Greenway exist and are usable today. As new regional, long distance greenways come on line, we will include these as part of the mapped routes.
How do I find a trail?Use the Triangle Trailblazer app to locate a specific trail within a county. Currently, Triangle Trails has designated one regional greenway trail per county. This list will grow over time as we add trails that are part of designated regional routes. The Trailblazer app is designed to give you the most up-to-date information about the location and accessibility of existing greenway trails. Some of these trails are blueways.
How is Triangle Trails funded?Triangle Trails is funded entirely by philanthropy and private sector donations. We are a non-governmental ad-hoc organization, part of the East Coast Greenway. We do not receive any public funding.

Discover your new favorite trail with the Triangle Trailblazer app
The greenways of 15 counties at your fingertips! Get the Triangle Trailblazer app for your IOS or Android device for the latest maps and updates. Plus you can earn points and rewards for visiting some of the region's most beautiful trails and locations.
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